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Explore our menu for details on our commercial driving course, known as Meirapróf in Icelandic, and our machine operator course. Additionally, you'll find course materials for the commercial driving license. If you're on a larger display, the menu is visible on your right. On mobile phones, simply press the menu icon in the top right corner, often referred to as the "hamburger menu."
While we are actively translating more pages, consider using the translation features offered by browsers like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge in the meantime.
Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email, our online chat, or by giving us a call. Our contact information is located in the footer of the website.
Certainly! Here's a clearer and more firm version of your text:
Please be advised that unions will only accept payment receipts that clearly show confirmed transactions from an Icelandic bank account or payment card to the relevant educational institution. Cash payments will not be accepted as valid proof of payment.
Therefore, it is sufficient to submit the invoice from the driving school along with a bank transfer confirmation. There is no need for additional verification or a stamp from the school.